I decided that i'd do my own version of a fairly standard glamour photo we see all the time. Normally of course it would be a woman, almost always young and wearing either very little, or nothing. Now i'm not young, not a woman, don't have the breasts, and don't have the "sexy" underwear. For those reasons my version is perhaps not quite as glamorous. I also chose slightly different crops around the face with the view of playing on the not so glamorous look. I also used a high ISO setting to use the digital noise like grain in film. Personally i quite like the effect when used in monochrome photographs.
Overall i liked the results, but i'll show a few so viewers you can decide if any work better than the others. There are also different versions of some to show how they can look different depending on the editing.
The photos are better viewed large, which can be done by clicking on them.
I'll start with my personal favourite:
I liked this one with the shallow depth of field, and also just the one eye showing.
Here's a toned version for comparison.
I like the tilted head angle on this one.
I wanted one with both eyes in the frame, and also wanted something with greater depth of field, though it does make it a bit more "graphic".
Again there's a tonal version for comparison.
I tried this one with only the mouth in the frame as i was looking for greater anonymity.
Finally i'm back to my favourite. This time it was edited in camera using one of the art functions. It adds grain, and has three different contrast settings. I also tweaked it in Adobe Lightroom to get the highlights completely blown out. The idea was to draw attention more towards the eye and face. It also leaves a subtle line of the body to the genitalia which is nicely out of focus.