Sunday, 8 September 2013

In For The Kill!

This is the last of the recent photo shoot. It's one of the ones i had planned in my mind to do from when i first saw this graffiti.
It was great fun interacting with the graffiti. It helped generate a few ideas, and they could sometime be developed fro more photo shoots.

As with the others, this photo was made with the help of my good mate Gary, who can be found here.

My other photography blog can be seen here.


Thursday, 5 September 2013


Another from the recent photo shoot with the help of my mate Gary, who can be found here.

Although this one wasn't in my mind beforehand, i felt the background worked well with the basic idea.


Saturday, 31 August 2013

Room With A View

I took a photo similar to this one a few months back. I had a vision of going back and doing a photo something like this with the figure subtly placed in the background. I felt it had a touch of humour about it, and i also wanted to use the graffiti art in this derelict site..
It was taken during the same shoot as my last post with the help of my mate Gary who's website can be found here.

Whilst there i decided it was worth getting in closer to get the full effect of the graffiti, so here's an example.

More of my work, especially non nude stuff, can be found in my main photography blog.


Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Nude Art!

I saw this graffiti a few months ago. With over 20 years experience as a life model behind me i thought it'd be fun to do a photo where i mimic the pose. It's not possible to copy it perfectly, but this is kind of close....

To get the photo i had help from my good mate Gary who can be found here


Friday, 9 August 2013


Yesterday i took advantage of a day off to wander about with the camera and try out a few new nude photos. I found this log to lay down against and managed to get a couple i liked.

My first thoughts for the photos were to be monochrome, and that's the first i'm adding. But i also like to try different looks and so the second is a colour version i quite like.

In the next photo i looked at the way i was laying It's a little awkward looking, not quite natural, almost like it's a body that has just been dumped there.
There's something about it that i liked...

Again i'm posting both the monochrome and colour versions.

My main photography blog cane be seen here.


Friday, 2 August 2013

Naked Shame!

I took these photos to represent how we are forced by society to hide away the human body. For those who are comfortable with the naked human body, we’re often treated as if it’s something shameful, or even worse, something disgusting. We can be treated like perverts for simply enjoying the pleasure of being free from clothes, to swim naked in the sea, or sit quietly in a park, or to enjoy the human form in art.
Surely the real perversion is to be offended by the human body!
I find that attitude offensive!

Forced to hang my hang head in naked shame!  

Hiding my shameful nakedness!

Agonising over being forced to hide my nakedness!

Contemplating the great shame of my nudity!

Is my nakedness really so bad?
Will society ever let me be free?


This and my non nude photography can be found here on my other blog

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Body in the dunes....

After a nice evening watching the setting sun at the beach, you walk through the dunes in the fading light and find this.....
Dead? Alive? What happened?


Saturday, 20 July 2013


So this was a real messing about photo to go with the last post. I realised Jo was snapping away as i walked very carefully on the sharp stones, so when i got to my clothes i decided to do a silly pose....


Friday, 19 July 2013

Just hangin out on the old railway....

So this is me doing a lighthearted shoot on a railway line with the help of my good mate Jo whilst i was visiting her recently. I pretty much set it up, and she worked the camera.

These were a bonus as we were actually out to view a different location.

Having done these i can now try and think of something a bit more arty and control the lighting better. Perhaps even go there at night next time i'm visiting the area.
